When the program is needed
Does My Teenage Girl Need Help?
Top 10 Warning Signs That A Student Might Need Residential Care
Your daughter refuses to abide by anything you say or request. Her resulting behaviors put her and your family in danger or high risk leading to constant fear or stress in the home.
There are outright or veiled threats of suicide, self-harm, excessive risk-taking, drug experimentation / use / abuse, or sexual promiscuity. There is seemingly a loss of a conscience or moral compass
Your daughter displays behavior that is a marked change from what has been normal. This can include sleeping too little or too long, forgetfulness, lack of motivation, aggression, depression, anxiety, grades slipping, hating what she once loved or loving what she once hated, always wanting to be with friends or away from home, or avoiding friends altogether and spending too much time alone.
Treatment by your daughter of other people, pets, or belongings is threatening or out of control.
Your daughter has become increasingly disrespectful, dishonest, disobedient and openly displays rebellion, no longer sharing her feelings or caring about the consequences.
You cannot keep your daughter away from peers who are obviously leading a lifestyle counter to your beliefs. Your teen is buying into their destructive behaviors and attitudes.
Your daughter refuses to do anything with the family and displays a growing hatred for the family.
There is blatant ignorance or profound rebellion toward boundaries, belief systems, or the rules of the home. This can be shown in passive-aggressive behaviors or open defiance that is unusually excessive for your teen.
Months of counseling is providing little or no positive progress for your daughter.
Your daughter thinks she is the center of your family. She shows blatant disregard for the feelings of other family members, their time, or their possessions.
A Word to Parents
Parents should pay attention to signs of risky behavior in their children, as they may mistakenly assume it is normal adolescent behavior, which could result in delayed intervention until it is too late. Acknowledging that every child is at risk of such behavior is essential, as denial can lead to ignoring warning signs. Without early intervention, children may continue with these behaviors into adulthood, leading to a dysfunctional lifestyle.
Once they recognize a problem, parents often try a number of different strategies to help their teen. Common attempts include one or more of the following:
Moving to a new town in order to escape bad environments and/or negative peer influences
Counseling and mentoring sessions
Pulling a child out of school and trying home-schooling or an alternative school setting
Taking a child off a sports team or special activity due to negative peer influences
Enrolling in short-term programs, rehabs, or mental health facilities
Sending a child to live with another family member
If these strategies and other attempts at home to produce genuine change have not been effective, it might be wise to consider a residential program that can provide the focused care that can help your teen make a turnaround.

Equipped for Lasting Heart Change
Boise Girls Academy is committed to providing an atmosphere that creates an arena for change. Our approach is loving and non-threatening, building trust and relationships as well as several forms of counseling and 24/7 care. Our program provides an opportunity for each student to refocus and assess her life decisions and allows her the opportunity to choose the abundant life Christ has to offer.
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